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Maintenance of cooling and freezing rooms













Maintenance of cooling and freezing rooms with Aldlym experts. Therefore, any malfunction or damage to one of the parts will lead to food spoilage and thus will cause you significant losses in profits. Do not hesitate to contact us to provide you with regular maintenance service and emergency maintenance service.

To avoid sudden malfunctions and keep the foods inside the cooling and freezing rooms fresh, and to extend the life of your equipment for the longest possible period, we provide you with a periodic maintenance service at the hands of the best technicians. We offer you three types of regular maintenance.
Daily maintenance:
It includes checking the compressors, making sure the switchboard is working well, checking the room temperature, and making sure no ice has formed on the evaporator.
Monthly maintenance:
Checking the condenser fins, ensuring refrigerant levels and ensuring optimal performance, ensuring that the defrost function is working efficiently, checking for faults to verify the efficiency of the system.
Annual maintenance:
Conduct daily and annual inspection based on the annual plan, and perform chemical washing on the thermal equalizer according to need.

Tips for maintaining cold and freezer rooms without malfunctions
There are some tips provided by our technical team to maintain the cooling and freezing rooms without malfunctions and to extend the life of the parts.
Choosing a suitable place to create cooling and freezing rooms by engineers
Commitment to the quantity and quality of foods that will be stored in the room
Reducing the percentage of thermal loads to avoid high room temperature
Use self-closing doors